
admin 会议暖场 2023-01-10 04:30 86



DJ阿飞-全英文蓝调RNB音乐苏荷NO88酒吧12月暖场极品舞曲大碟 唱到31分钟的那首英文歌叫什么名字?

Akia - IS till MissYou

Giulia - Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea


求 酒吧暖场性感RNB舞曲(英文歌歌名)

No Angels - Still In Love With You

The Best Time I Ever Had

When U Were Mine

Said To Myself To Keep You Near

Never Let U Go

But Trains And Boats And Aeroplanes

Took Me Away

From You

Away From All The Love We Had

From All The Things We Shared

Tell Me What Can I Dornb暖场舞蹈, You’re Always On My Mind

If I Could Sing My Song To You

I’d Tell You How My Heart Is Broken Too

From Any Corner Of The World

I’d Let You Know I’ll Always Be Your Girl

I’m Still In Love With You

Lonely Days And Lonely Nights

Since You’ve Been Gone

I Miss Your Touchrnb暖场舞蹈, I Miss Your Smile

Always By My Side

I Think About The Times We Had

And I Wonder Whyrnb暖场舞蹈, Oh Why

Why You Had To Steal My Heart

When We’re A World Apart

So Tell Me, Baby What Should I Do

You’re Always On My Mind

If I Could Sing My Song To You

I’d Tell You How My Heart Is Broken Too

From Any Corner Of The World

I’d Let You Know I’ll Always Be Your Girl

I’m Still In Love With You

I’m Still In Love With You


If I Could Sing My Song To You, Oh Baby

You Know My Heart Is True

You’re Always On My Mind

If I Could Sing My Song To You

I’d Tell You How My Heart Is Broken Too

From Any Corner Of The World

I’d Let You Know I’ll Always Be Your Girl

I’m Still In Love With You

If I Could Sing My Song To You

I’d Tell You How My Heart Is Broken Too

From Any Corner Of The World

I’d Let You Know I’ll Always Be Your Girl

I’m Still In Love With You

Still In Love

I’m Still In Love With You

Still In Love With You

I’m Still In Love With You





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