1)游戏的主菜单界面相当简单,可以说是一目了然。只需要选择“NEW GAME”即可开始新游戏。游戏中采用的是即时保存,玩家可以随时重新再来。如果选择“CONTINUE”则是继续上次退出游戏时的进度。
NEW GAME=开始新游戏
2)选择“NEW GAME”后,系统会提示完家创造一个游戏名称,这个名称就是该游戏的存档名称。在“GAME NAME”后写上名称,点右下角的“CREATE”继续。
WORLD NEWS=世界新闻。全球范围篮球相关新闻。
How to Master a New Skill
Today, we are going to read《How to Master a New Skill》from Harvard Business Review, which provides some useful insights to be a better learner! I insist when we learn another language, we should think and learn in that language instead of using our mother languages. Therefore, in each paragraph, the important and useful words/ phrases/ sentences are shown in boldface. At the end of the article, I will particularly pick some practical terms to give more specific examples. I hope you guys enjoy it!
By: Emma-à Paris
We all want to be better at something. After all, self-improvement is necessary to getting ahead at work . But once you know what you want to be better at — be it public speaking , using social media, or analyzing data — how do you start? Of course, learning techniques will vary depending on the skill and the person, but there are some general rules you can follow .
What the Experts Say
Mastering new skills is not optional in today’s business environment. “In a fast-moving, competitive world , being able to learn new skills is one of the keys to success. It’s not enough to be smart — you need to always be getting smarter,” says Heidi Grant Halvorson, a motivational psychologist and author of the HBR Single Nine Things Successful People Do Differently . Joseph Weintraub, a professor of management and organizational behavior at Babson College and coauthor of the book, The Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in Business , agrees: “We need to constantly look for opportunities to stretch ourselves in ways that may not always feel comfortable at first. Continual improvement is necessary to get ahead .” Here are some principles to follow in your quest for self-improvement:
Check your readiness
When working on a new skill or competency , you need to ask yourself two things. First, is your goal attainable ? “There are certain limits to what you can learn,” explains Weintraub. “For example, you may want to be a brain surgeon, but not have the eye-hand coordination required.” Second, how much time and energy can you give to the project? “It’s not like going to the pharmacy and getting a prescription filled,” says Weintraub. Self-improvement is hard work. Halvorson agrees: “Many people implicitly believe that if you have to work hard at something, it means you lack ability. This is rubbish.” Instead, recognize that learning a new skill takes extreme commitment . Unless your goal is attainable and you’re prepared to work hard, you won’t get very far.
Make sure it’s needed
Weintraub suggests you also make sure the skill is relevant to your career, your organization, or both. You may be jazzed up about learning how to speak in front of large audiences, but does your manager value that? Unless you absolutely need the skill for your job, or for a future position, it’s unlikely you’ll get money for training or support from your manager. Gaining a new skill is an investment and you need to know upfront what the return will be.
Know how you learn best
Some learn best by looking at graphics or reading. Others would rather watch demonstrations or listen to things being explained . Still, others need a “hands-on” experience . Halvorson says you can figure out your ideal learning style by looking back. “ Reflect on some of your past learning experiences , and make a list of good ones and another list of bad ones,” she says. “What did the good, effective experiences have in common ? How about the bad ones? Identifying common strands can help you determine the learning environment that works best for you .”
Get the right help
Eliciting support from others can greatly increase learning . Find someone you trust who has mastered the skill you’re trying to attain . And look beyond your immediate manager who has to evaluate you. Weintraub suggests you ask yourself: “Who in my organization, other than my boss, would notice my changes and give me honest feedback?” Then approach that person and say something like, “You are so comfortable with [the skill], something I’m not particularly good at. I’m really trying to work on that and would love to spend some time with you , learn from you, and get your feedback.” If you can’t find a mentor inside your company, look for people in your industry or from your network. “ Ultimately , you want to go with the best teacher. If there is someone in your organization who is able and willing to provide quality mentoring , then great. If not, seek outside help ,” says Halvorson.
Start small
Self-improvement can feel overwhelming . “You can’t take on everything. If you do, you’ll never do it,” says Weintraub. Instead, choose one or two skills to focus on at a time , and break that skill down into manageable goals . For example, if you’re trying to become more assertive , you might focus on speaking up more often in meetings by pushing yourself to talk within the first five minutes.
Reflect along the way
To move from experimentation to mastery, you need to reflect on what you are learning. Otherwise, the new skill won’t stick . Halvorson and Weintraub both suggest talking to others. “Always share your goals with those individuals who can provide informational or emotional support along the way, ” says Halvorson. “Even if that person doesn’t have the answer, he can help you and keep you honest about how much you’re improving,” says Weintraub. Talking about your progress helps you get valuable feedback, keeps you accountable , and cements the change .
Challenge yourself to teach it to others
One of the quickest ways to learn something new, and to practice it, is to teach others how to do it. So share what you learn with your team, your manager, or your co-workers. You can force yourself to do it by putting a “teaching” date on your calendar or agreeing to lead a formal training session a few months down the road. With objectives like those, your learning will be much more focused and practical.
Be patient
“Too often, we approach a new skill with the attitude that we should nail it right out of the gate,” says Halvorson. The reality is that it takes much longer . “ It’s not going to happen overnight . It usually takes six months or more to develop a new skill,” says Weintraub. And it may take longer for others to see and appreciate it. “People around you will only notice 10% of every 100% change you make,” he says.
Principles to Remember
Select a skill that is valued by your organization and manager
Divide the skill up into smaller, manageable tasks
Reflect on what you’ve learned and what you still want to accomplish
Try to learn in a vacuum — ask others for guidance and feedback
Rely solely on your boss for advice — you may want to involve someone who isn’t responsible for evaluating you
Assume it’s going to happen overnight — it usually takes at least six months to develop a new skill .
get ahead at work在工作中成功
elicit support 获得帮助
Attain the skill = Master the skill 掌握技能
Approach someone = Speak to someone 与某人攀谈,跟某人接触
Ultimately= finally =in the end 最终;最后
In a vacuum 在真空中
Rely solely on 仅仅依赖
force yourself to do 强迫你自己做某事
Questions for today :
What does self-improvement mean to you ?
What is your ideal learning style ?
Why learning new skills is important for you ?
Please feel free to leave your answers and comments !
Source: How to Master a New Skill by Amy Gallo
这是转自别的东西,O(∩_∩)O~不要介意啊NBA 2K10 PC版即将到达各玩家手中,其中最为瞩目的莫过于新加入的My Player生涯模式。通过多日在xbox360上奋战,对此模式也算有一知半解,特写下一些心得为大家提供方便。这次的MP模式是一项对篮球概念普及十分有意义的一次尝试,经过这个之后玩家将会对篮球各位置,团队配合有进一步的理解。进而在进行控制5人的比赛时,会觉得比以前更容易。
首先进入MP模式,新建人物。在游戏机上,MP模式每节5分钟,进入MP之后不可修改。据说可以在开档之前在My NBA—Game Play中修改每节时间后再开档。不知道PC上是否一样。新建人物的姓名可以在游戏字库里选,选用之后在比赛中可以被喊出来。不过有一个例外,本人的一个人物取名Michael Jordan,就从来没被喊出来。身高是关键因素,同样位置的同样表现,身高越高在赛后评分中的表现一项则越低。具体身体模板可参考NBA中NB人物。
不知PC版是否包括选秀,建好人物后应该会进入夏季联赛并随机加入某NBA球队的夏季联赛队。夏季联赛有6场比赛,同时在此期间还发给你若干个(具体数值忘了)训练Drill。Drill中可以训练投篮、篮板、盖帽等等,形式和2K9基本一样。每个训练项目有金银铜三个目标,至少要是铜级。铜级200点skill point,银级400点,金级400点外加某项属性+1。Skill point用于在My Player菜单中提高个人属性值。进行夏季联赛目标是被NBA球队看中。每场比赛前你的经纪人insider会给你提出三个目标,每完成一个增加skill point100点。比赛中屏幕左上角有一个字母,按张老师的话说,应该叫合理值。初始为C,以后每当你在攻防两端做出合理的举动后都会给你加分。例如助攻、扣篮、前后场篮板、合理的投篮选择、合理的站位、挡拆、防守时挡人、盖帽、抢断、快攻得分、个人盖帽或抢断引发本队得分都会多少加分。相反地,在错误的位置要球、错误的投篮选择、错误的站位、犯规、被防守人得分、被防守人抢到篮板、干扰球等则会减分。特别是经常要球的玩家更要注意了,频繁地错误要球,会使合理值下降很快。合理值从A+到F-(应该是F-,因为没到过所以不确定)。赛后会根据你的综合表现发给你skill point,其中包括:
提高球员水平靠的就是Skill point与drill训练,而drill数量有限,在若干场比赛之后才能给一个,里程碑任务的sp就给一次,所以重中之重是每场比赛所得的sp。可以看到比赛中应努力完成A+,这样应该至少保证900点。三个目标也应努力完成,因为这些目标好像和合理值一起左右了球队对你的看法。表现分为fair,good,great,应该有bad之类的不好表现,与个人数据、你的身高以及对位球员表现有关。本人建立的SF,6尺7,great表现一般给500多点。注意,表现不好或合理值过差会给负的skill point!到时候还要扣点的。
若你表现很好,最终加入了NBA球队,就要从板凳做起抓住有限时间好好表现,注意不是刷数据是要合理打球,完成目标。一步一步积累经验(skill point)。当总评值高了之后自然会成为角色球员、第六人直至首发。
training泛指一般的培训,比如公司内部的基础课程、可以选择的技术课程。公司的培训部门也是training department.
coach可以用作工作上面的辅导人员,可以是级别比你高的人。coaching是指技术上面、soft skill上面比你强的人对你的指导。
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