
admin 会议暖场 2023-02-17 13:50 108





蔡依林: “日不落”,“特务J”“花”




潘:“爱不留”。 “路太弯”










=━━= =━=



What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction

You're insecure

Don't know what for

You're turning heads when you walk through the door

Don't need make-up

To cover up

Being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'd understand why I want you so desperately

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful

So c-come on

You got it wrong

To prove I'm right

I put it in a song

I don't know why

You're being shy

And turn away when I look into your eye-eye-eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'll understand why I want you so desperately

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful

Na na na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'll understand why I want you so desperately

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful


1、天仙妹妹我爱你-Dj波仔(boosin) 2、凤舞九天 3、你的选择club2007-汤泉dj峰仔 mix 4、俄罗斯说唱2006RB 推荐 5、一起动起来 - DJ 罗百吉作品 6、Clon - 被忽视的呼喊 7、爱上未来的你-RB_[Dj小旋_Rmx] 8、戴假面具的时候(Funky_Feel_Mix)韩女Funky 9、慢摇CLUB音乐06 10、爱错了-张克帆(DjLiFf) 11、情归于尽-DjMiki-ReMix 12、红色石头 - DJ Benny Remix 13、转-[2006韩文女唱Funky] 14、温式效应(温岚)-2006Funky[DjRenowei_Rmx] 15、声扬文化 雪花-DJ版 16、如果深圳不快乐 - DjV Club Mix 17、好听的一首经典英文 18、韩国舞曲 19、DJ波仔提供包房专用摇头系列(新歌试唱 005) 20、DJ小黑一月精选摇头激串 21、冰河时代串烧舞曲 22、DJ小志博罗星光情人节气氛火爆现场 23、DJ皮皮制做摇头现场一 24、记得 DJ 25、混音大赛作品之6 26、如果爱可以轮回 27、音乐无疆界 Dj小白 28、等你等得胡子都长了 29、麻花辫 (翻唱) 30、一言难尽 31、一定会2007-DJ力仔 32、庞龙-谁说你长的不是很美 33、不要让我难过(刘嘉亮) - DJ阿圣 VS 初百军1、摇啊摇(2007舞厅绝杀嗨曲) 2、劲舞团-10 minutes 十分钟 推荐 3、弄你的士高 4、我想做爱 - DJ CK Remix 5、九江凤舞九天现场2 6、做你的爱人2007 - DJ笑笑 Remix 7、汽车音响专用超级慢摇 8、DJ 摇头--慢嗨舞曲rb 好听的. 9、不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我 - DJ笑笑 Remix 10、大悲咒 - DJGuoguo Remix 11、哥哥你真帅_[DJ小冰Mix]. 12、2007冰河时代 13、坐上火车去拉萨[Disco]-DJ湾仔 14、等一分钟 - Club Remix 15、台湾变性酒店红牌女公关 16、冰河时代-开场 17、dj舞曲-我不是坏女孩 18、哦咧咧哦啦啦2007狂嗨版_(Dj花无心ReMix) 19、冰河时代3 第二首单曲 20、韩国舞曲 - Dj Any Club Remix 21、DJ佳文主打热身舞现场 22、深水炸弹嗨曲-DJ 23、摇啊摇 24、极嗨。冰河时代.. 25、经典慢摇! king<推荐> 26、有没有人告诉你 陈楚生 27、韩国舞曲_CallCallCall 28、MTV-Kiss Kiss 29、Abacadabra 超级劲爆DJ舞曲 30、世界最流行的DJ 31、我是一个被爱伤过的人 - DJ蝈蝈 32、鲁巴耶 33、超级摇头有电力 34、2007最新新凤舞九天新年颂 35、夜蜘蛛现场 36、经典怀旧→凤舞九天(1) 37、动感DJ-Technics激情狂嗨HI激窜 38、DJ 不怕不怕 39、白狐 40、超级经典舞曲 41、嗨房最新摇头劲爆系列串烧-010抄股热播 42、香烟爱上火柴2007(Dj蝈蝈Remix) 43、慢摇.蜡笔小新⒉代 嘿哟.! 44、经典怀旧→凤舞九天(2) 45、全世界最伤心的人(陈绍华)2006[DjJoe_Rmx] 46、慢摇club精品串烧第三张 47、蜡笔小新(RNB)DjRemix 48、黑眼豆豆--my humps 49、佳文安徽芜湖阿菠萝现场 50、经典怀旧→凤舞九天(3) 51、伤了我的心 - DJK Remix 52、电视剧 - 转角遇见爱(DjHarry Mix 2007) 53、不想让你哭(王强)-2006[Dj笑笑_Remix] 54、全新主打2006嗨暴你的头 55、狼爱上羊 - Dj王志 56、凌晨4点40分DJ疯狂摇头现场 57、全新劲爆中文串烧[加快版]_三把火Mix 58、2007最新酒吧开场 59、凤舞九天 60、全中文串烧 61、蹦蹦蹦 62、河南郑州《跨越时空》迪吧现场 63、超强劲的士高(精) 64、赵本山经典语言DJ版 65、性感女生 66、珠海井岸凯旋门DISCO 6周年 67、皇家礼炮(让你手机也嗨起来) 68、重低音火爆dj舞曲 69、凤舞九天经典版 70、迪吧舞曲-总统_dj总统 71、劲爆英文dj串烧舞曲 72、耶耶耶 73、超炫动画-棍术表演 74、很好听的慢摇Hey oh 75、walking in 劲舞团 ... 76、使劲摇(芭比娃娃)-Dj罗百吉 77、劲爆舞曲 78、新闻联播串烧 79、嘟啊嘟啊嘟 80、劲舞团 七年的爱 81、野狼王的士高 82、酷迪DJ 83、再一版女声la bomba 84、麦克杰可逊-2005HipHop 85、超爽劲暴 DJ舞曲. 86、冰河时代2 - 串烧 87、2006年度劲爆舞曲精选 88、dj-我的小宝贝 89、爱大了受伤了(汤潮)2007[DjAming_Rmx] 90、如果恰恰DJ PW MIX 91、凤舞九天天0707最新慢摇大碟 92、触电 娃娃 93、嗨,嗨,DJ 94、高耀太 - 火花(劲舞团) 95、慢摇CLUB音乐14 96、狐狸精 劲舞团 97、自由飞翔(凤凰传奇)HipPop[DjKy] 98、疯狂disco-爽到震dj舞曲 99、凤舞九天开场曲

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